Enjoy your meal!
Here is a small list of our rest stops in the nearby area

German Specialities

"Gasthof am Bach"
78144 Tennenbronn (distance 1km)

Opening times:
Monday, Wednesday to Sunday from 9: 00h open


  • Inexpensive food for the whole family
  • Easy to reach on foot

"Gasthaus Krone" / "Under Wirtshäusle"
78132 Hornberg (distance about 17km)

Opening times:
Wednesday to Sunday 11: 00h to 14: 00h and 17: 00h to 22: 00h hot meals
between Vesperkarte


  • Inexpensive food for the whole family
  • Children's Playground
  • Garden terrace

Einkehr 1

"Cafe-Restaurant Schwarzwaldstube"
78144 Tennenbronn (distance about 4km)

Opening times:


  • Inexpensive food for the whole family
  • Easy to reach on foot
  • Outdoor terrace
  • Children's Playground
  • food to go

"Burgstüble past the ruins Hohenschramberg"
78713 Schramberg (Distance ca.14km)

Opening times:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11: 00h to 22: 00h
In July and August from Wednesday to Sunday hot meals


  • Hospitality with a wonderful view
  • Every Friday at 16:00 a small, rustic medieval banquet is offered

"Vesperstube Stöcklewald Tower"
78120 Furtwangen-Rohrbach (distance about 30km)

Summer opening times:
April to October: Monday to Wednesday 10: 00h to 20: 00h

Winter opening times:
November-March: Wednesday to Sunday 11: 00h to 19: 00h


  • Hearty Vesper
  • Homemade cakes
  • Outdoor operation
  • Children's Playground
  • Lookout tower

National / International specialties

Original Greek Food

78730 Lauterbach (distance about 11km)

Opening times:
Monday to Sunday all day


  • With playground

Chinese & Thai specialties

"Green Tree"
78112 St. Georgen (distance about 13km)

Opening times:
Monday to Sunday 11: 30h to 14: 30h and 17: 00h to 23: 00h


  • Lunch and dinner buffet
  • Children under 5 years eat free

Italian specialties

78112 St. Georgen (distance about 14km)

Opening times:
Monday to Thursday from 10: 00h to 01: 00h
Friday and Saturday from 10: 00h to 03: 00h
Sunday and holidays from 10: 00h to 22: 00h


  • Views of the Klosterweiher
  • Garden terrace
  • Naturfreibad / boating options

Einkehr 2

"In Bani"
78112 St. Georgen (distance about 13km)

Opening times:
Tuesday to Sunday 11: 30h to 14: 00h and 17: 30h to 23: 00h


  • Inexpensive for the whole family
  • Delivery on the "Käppelehof"

More Eateries on request or in our information folder.

Homepage Werner rund

Our Farm

Our farm is about 750m above sea level. In a sunny, quiet location and about 3km away from the health resort Tennenbronn. From here you can enjoy a wonderful view over nearby lawns and forests.

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Zimmer rund

Our Room

We offer you two apartments. Both apartments were rated 4 stars according to the guidelines of the German Tourism Association. Each apartment has space for 2-5 persons.

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Trampolin rund

Leisure & Nature

Enjoy the beautiful nature surrounding of the Käppelehof. Our farm and the surrounding area offer a wide range of leisure activities.

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icon wellness

wellness and well-being

Spend your free time in the surrounding sauna or just relax in the nature. Pure relaxation!

icon Sport

wide variety of sports

Your sport program is provided. Whether table tennis, country work, hiking or mountain biking. With us you will surely find the right one.

icon service

culinary finesse

In the surrounding restaurants, you can enjoy the best home-style cuisine.

icon Hochzeitsringe

Get married at the Käppelehof

All year long dream weddings take place in our nearby chapel.